Inside Out – Creative coaching
is an individualized and impartial accompaniment guiding a person (coachee) to create their own solutions within the framework of their professional life. It is aimed at:
for the training or development plans of their employees
- wishing to improve their performance and/or daily experience in the context of their work
- considering a reorientation of their professional career
Four different levels can be approached for IN-COMPANY COACHING:
- structural (work organization)
- methodical (work process)
- relational (with hierarchy / colleagues)
- personal (attitudes of the coachee)
For INDIVIDUALS, the work can be carried out according to the same scheme while favoring current personal topics in their professional environment.
The development of a CV and a simulation session can be part of the coaching.
During a session, the coachee can work on the following points:
- their beliefs, inner values and potential
- analysis of their skills and establishment of the diagnosis of their professional situation
- setting clear objectives and concrete measures to have their situation assessed
- verification of their feasibility and their implementation
- support for change processes
We speak of successful coaching when the coachee:
- felt connected and learned new things about him/herself and about different approaches to his/her starting situation.
- ends the coaching with “a background” that will enable him/her to make a difference himself in the future.
- was able to successfully implement the result of the coaching in practice.
During a creative coaching, the coachee is guided towards the creation of solutions from his/her own point of view with the help of questioning techniques, mind mapping, constellations on paper, deep relaxation or others.
During the coaching session, the coachee receives neither advice nor proposed solutions. Some practical information or recommendations (literature, addresses) can be discussed at the end of the session.
Coaching sessions can be done in French, English or German.
- With more than 25 years of experience in project management, marketing and communication, Patricia Proes has worked in large multinationals in various industrial sectors as well as at the European Commission.
- Since 2010, she offers professional coaching based mainly on Steve de Shazer’s “short term therapy” method.
- She is passionate about human relations, cultures, languages, new horizons, travelling and sailing.
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